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Sgt Breiner, Marine Walk Photos

Photo # 10

Photo # 2

Photo # 5

Photo # 1

Photo # 4

Photo # Sit

Photo # 3

See Photo Story Below

Sgt Breiner, Marine Walk Photo Stories

Photo # 10
Sent: Saturday, January 20, 2007 12:55:03 PM
Subject: Craig Breiner/walk in Manalapan

Hi Craig and Butch,

These pictures were shot by my My Son Scott (New Eagle Scout) and myself in Manalapan at about 12:20 pm by the Bank near Andee Plaza on 33 West in Manalapan.

We were able to shoot off about 27 shots between 2 cameras. Boy was it cold and windy.

From: Rebecca Ginsberg

Photo # 1
Subject: Fw: Marine Walking From shore to Statehoue Thru Millstone/Monroe/Ew/Washington

Here are the photos that were sent to the Messenger Press, Cranbury Press and Windsor-Heights Herald which are part of the Packet group.
The Messengers address is: http://www.messengerpress.com
You can find links to the other papers from there.
Hope you made it to Trenton. The post on the Star Ledger's site NJ.com said they were not able to reach you.
You can use the attached photos for your personal purposes or send to friends. If you want to send to one of the Marine papers out there go for it. Just don't send to any other local papers.

Sent: Saturday, January 20, 2007 3:03 PM
Subject: Marine Walking From shore to Statehoue Thru Millstone/Monroe/Ew/Washington

Millstone Township--Right with American Flag--Marine Craig Breiner, center Cody Smith and left is Val Raugan waving to passing traffic. Photo by: Dennis Symons, Jr.
From: Dennis Symons

Photo # 2
Sent: Saturday, January 20, 2007 3:13 PM
Subject: Marine Walking From shore to Statehoue Thru Millstone/Monroe/Ew/Washington

Monroe Township--Craig Breiner (center with flag) is now joined with several locals as he walks through Monroe Township, NJ into a strong cold West Wind on Rt. 33. Photo by: Dennis Symons, Jr.
From: Dennis Symons

Photo # 3
Millstone Township--Marine Craig Breiner, stops to cover some blisters on the side of Rt. 33 just before the Monroe/Millstone border. Photo by: Dennis Symons, Jr.

Email Response

Here are some quotes from a blog about what you’re doing… Good for him.

Hooray United States Marine Corps Sgt. Craig M. Breiner!

If just one Soldier, Marine, Sailor, Airman, Coast Guardsman is encouraged by this man's actions, then that's terrific.

I for one am proud of and encouraged by the folks like…this Marine who are willing to stand up for what they believe in.

I've forwarded this on to my civilian and NJARNG friends

The jarhead is right. He unlike you has not surrendered yet.

Now this is exciting.....I live right off 33 near the turnpike......I will be looking for him to pass here.... Cool.

Bravo! That's a 40 mile march.

Email Response
Sent: Saturday, January 20, 2007 5:20:06 PM

Hi Craig,
It was our privelege to come down this morning and support your effort. We walked for 1 hr 20 min, but I had a previous engagement, and we had to peel off. I think Art would have given the whole 50 a shot.
Your sister drove us back to the beach. Please thank her.
I hope you completed the walk, which would be approx. 2 hours after I write this e-mail, but whether you did or didn't, it doesn't diminish the message.
By copy of this e-mail, I'm giving Marine Art Karin your e-mail address.
I hope you might find time in May to come out and support our 5k at Sandy Hook to benefit our blind citizens and veterans.

Doug Scott

Email Response
Sent: Saturday, January 20, 2007 9:52:39 PM
Subject: March To Trenton

Thank-you for the warm welcome in taking part in the march to Trenton .
I enjoyed the company of the other walkers, and the sag wagon drivers were great. I’ll be looking for news on the outcome.

===Donald MacLeay, Patriot Guard Rider===

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